A Liberal Love Letter to Conservatives
We haven’t given up on them yet.
At this blog, I’ve been pretty rough on conservatives. But it’s tough love. Liberals don’t hate conservatives. We try not to hate anything. Despite all that conservatives do that is divisive, despicable, deranged, despotic and sometimes downright dangerous, we are still diligently trying to love them. They are our friends, family members, at the very least fellow countrymen. We are all Americans, and beyond that, whether they like it or believe it, they are part of the one human family that we know to be mostly true and good. We hold out hope that one day they will see the light of the very ideals they profess to believe in. You see, we liberals don’t want to divide and separate ourselves from conservatives, as they do us and just about everybody and everything else on Earth… we want to bring them into the common fold, the shared soul of the world.
We liberals know that the vast majority of conservatives are good people caught up in an ancient but sinister ideology. Every human being has both good and bad impulses; it is our beliefs and mindset that channel our actions one way or the other. All of us have the capacity to be both selfish and selfless, to close or to open, to stand rigid and unchanging or to embrace the opportunity to grow and expand and, yes, evolve. Conservatives are very caring and kind within their in-group, and sometimes they choose to extend that kindness to outsiders. But not often or consistently or broadly enough. This is one of the key differences between conservatives and liberals. All we liberals are asking is that conservatives step into the better side of their own selves in their relationship with the wider world of humans — and nature — rather than stubbornly clinging to those too often selfish ways of being.
Despite all the trouble they’ve caused through American (and world) history, and how they’ve slowed the tide of progress again and again, we stand ready to embrace them whenever they decide they want to join the human race, rather than standing astride it. We will welcome their handshake when they decide that hands belong to nature, rather than nature belonging to human hands. We will walk side-by-side in joy and purpose when they perceive that we are all in this together, when they finally realize it’s all-for-one and one-for-all, not I-Me-Mine. We are waiting for the day when they at long last acknowledge and embrace E. Pluribus Unum — from the many, one — as well as that other great triumvirate of American values: liberty, equality and justice… FOR ALL. The union, the Oneness, the collective, We the People, must be the locus of our understanding of what a community, a nation, or the human family, truly should be, not ideology that places selfishness, fear and hierarchical inequality as its prime directives.
The essential conservative axiom of remaining separate from others, desperately needing to feel better than, holier than, more patriotic than, must be released. This is Iron Age clan-mentality, a toxic mix of inflated ego and fearful little child, propagated by the myth-makers, and swallowed down like diabolical candy by the myth-believers.
Our hearts go out to conservatives because we see what internal confusion and anguish, as well as self-punishment, they are stuck in. They think their worldview is simple, straight-forward and true, but it’s really a mangled mess, a tangle of contradictions, entirely incongruent with universal truths, only rendered more unworkable by the increasingly informed, and liberated, modern world. It’s a black-and-white mindset in a technicolor world… a stubborn stance that is actually strangling their own mind and spirit. We liberals don’t want to crush them (as they do us), we want to rescue them, we want to liberate them. That’s what liberals do.
We clearly see what great damage their ideology does to them. It is the worst kind of shackle they are in: the entrapment not of the body, but of the mind, the heart, the soul. Indeed, in their rigidity and emotional immaturity, they actually rob themselves of the true wonder and joy of being human. They become childish automotons, empty clones, crass conformists, and terrified sheep, blithely bending to whatever emotional strings their charismatic leaders pluck within them. They have little depth or vision or creativity or wider compassion. So they cannot perceive the beauty throughout the human family, and in all of nature. By their very political definition, they must “conserve” traditions, which importantly includes clan mentality and a hierarchy of inequality and injustice, prejudice, greed, fear and ignorance. Progress itself becomes something to fear and fight against.
They can’t appreciate the vast bulk of the world of ideas because so many of these so readily offend and insult their myths, their shallow and selfish mindset, or flat scare the bejeebers out of them. So they are forced to turn away from art and science and higher education and alternative philosophical or spiritual pathways and all other cultures… because they are ignorant and afraid of them, and therefore feel they must attempt to subdue or destroy them. So it is they remain at odds with higher virtue, truth, and at war with the world.
Conservatism is one of the saddest conditions in the world. Alas, the conservative is the last to understand this. Most never do, and would laugh at the implication. But it is clear to see. Conservatism sets its believers apart and against all “others.” This means all of nature, and all people who are different, are to be ridiculed, feared, denigrated, conquered, exploited, even destroyed, rather than embraced, loved and protected.
Modern psychology, sociology and neuroscience have explored the conservative mind. It’s not a pretty sight, confirming what is clearly evident: conservatives are more conformist, more rigid, more fearful, more anxious, more prejudiced, more suspicious of strangers yet more gullible to fantastical ideas, more easily disgusted by things, more amenable and obedient to authority, more accepting of inequality; they are more bothered by change, by ambiguity, by novelty, are less prone to travel or have an interest in other parts of the world or other peoples, and have much lower empathy for those outside their in-group. They are more prone to bullying and violence. They are terrified of death. They have three times as many nightmares as more liberal people. No wonder they believe they need all those guns.
On the plus side, they report being generally happier than liberals do! It turns out ignorance really can be bliss. Add in selfishness, and life is grand! After all, it’s a whole lot easier to be conservative than liberal. Just indulge your selfishness. When your empathy extends only as far as your family and circle of friends, when you don’t give a damn about the rest of the world, there is far less to be unhappy about, nor do you feel a shred of responsibility for doing something about all the injustice and suffering. Yet conservative “happiness” is shallow, propped up in no small measure by diversions such as lame TV and movies, sports, games, beer, whisky, loud engines, shooting up animals, junk food (including the consumption of copious amounts of meat, more than anyone, ever) and spending Sundays pretending to believe in something that their own inner intelligence tells them is just a bunch of hooey (but hey, it’s a good place to make business contacts). This kind of “happiness” only goes so far. For starters it is ever plagued by the fear and disgust and separation that pervades their consciousness. It’s more or less impossible to experience deep, lasting joy when you are at war with most of the world, having nightmares and are scared to death… of death. Then there are those vaunted “family values,” which research suggests isn’t a bed of roses, with conservatives experiencing more teen pregnancies, lesser education, lower income, more chronic health issues, more drug and alcohol abuse, more domestic violence, more divorces and more suicides as compared with the more liberal population. Their “red states” generally rank at the bottom of any worthwhile statistic, including, you guessed it, happiness. No wonder so much of theirs relies on escapism of one sort or another, including the delusion that their lord and savior will soon be comin’ around to “save” them from this awful world.
Conservatives are mired in perpetual defense of myths that are centuries, if not millennia, out of date and dangerously discordant with the scientific “revealed truths,” and moral values, of the modern world. So they feel forever threatened, enjoined in a “culture war” in which they can win some battles, for a while, but will never win that “war,” that, in fact, for hundreds of years they have been losing, little by little, or sometimes by sudden landslide. Conservatives are not called “reactionaries” for nothing. They don’t drive culture forward; they react to liberal progress, usually badly, in clumsy attempts to wrench it backward, or at least maintain an oppressive status-quo.
Conservative bon vivant William F. Buckley Jr. was spot-on when he defined the conservative as “someone who stands athwart history yelling, ‘Stop!’” Of course, history never stops. Quite the opposite; it accelerates. Conservatives know in their hearts they have lost control of a world that has passed them by. They are well aware of this slip-sliding away of their “traditional” culture and “way of life,” and so they recoil, react, hunker down, and double-down on their myths and their “clan,” desperately searching for religious, racial and/or nationalistic demagogues and demagoguery that might justify their anger and fear. This strenuous, never ending, effort is rendered particularly absurd and appalling when it flouts the more fundamental precepts of both religion and Americanism that would lead them out of the wilderness of selfishness. What ends up happening is that these conservatives become the worst Christians and Americans, often actually anti-Christian and anti-American, even as they loudly crow about being the “real” of each.
Springing from their default selfishness, there is a lot of judging by conservatives, and a lot of materialism, while they routinely evidence little humility, forgiveness, thankfulness, compassion and love much beyond those they personally know. They are far more interested in claiming they know Jesus than having any intention of following the pathway he set forth. Meanwhile, they pay lip-service to American ideals. Well, at least that one ideal: Liberty. Sure they believe in liberty… for themselves… not so much for “the other.”
Meanwhile, one of the great ironies of history reveals that most of the progress that they have fought so hard to prevent actually benefits them and their progeny. It’s kind of a bizarre win-win deal for them. If they win the issue, if they “stop” history, they get to victoriously puff up their chest; if the liberals defeat them they get safer food, the weekend, vacation pay, Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, cleaner air and water, perhaps even the vote if you happen to be anything other than a rich white man. These are but a few “libtard” ideas loved by today’s conservatives but viciously opposed by their ideological kith and kin just a few generations back. Likewise, the red states receive more money from the hated federal government than they give to it, a fact well-known by liberals in blue states across the nation, where the ratio is reversed. No problem. It makes us happy to help y’all out. Wish you felt the same.
Yet continue to fight every stich of progress they do. Embattled conservatives can never feel at home in the world. Everyone and everything is out to get them: immigrants, Blacks, Browns, Asians, Muslims, Jews, liberals, unions, gays, lesbians, transgender people, poor people on Welfare, the rich “elite,” smart people, scientists, artists, teachers, librarians, universities, the media, atheists, vegans, electric vehicles, modern light bulbs, Bud Lite, Disneyworld, most of all… the government. This defensiveness cum combativeness encases both their mind and their heart in armor. As they recoil in fear and loathing, trust in the greater good of the world is entirely lost. It is a positive feedback loop of distrust and angst, perpetually stirred by the conservative elite, with media channels, pulpits and a continual streak of such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh gleefully — wildly profitably — throwing gasoline on the fire.
Indeed, right along with failing to recognize liberals as the best friends they have ever had, conservatives are concurrently blind to how the only people really out to get them are the very ones they lionize… the “strongman” (or woman), the charismatic politician or preacher, pundit or other “thought leader” whose real purpose (lining their pocket and/or rise to greater power) depends upon dividing his/her constituency from those that would counter the charlatan’s propositions. The conservative elite fully understands three things: 1) that their purpose is fundamentally at odds with the welfare of the common folk; but 2) he/she must divide and conquer so as to convince enough of them to support or vote for them, and 3) that the way to garner that support is to leverage the negative emotions of anger, fear, prejudice and greed to paint their audience as victims of an evil and ugly opposition. It is sheer “projection:” — accusing your enemy of your own sins!
In this way the conservative mind is co-opted by authority figures proffering a simplistic worldview that emphatically warns of the malevolent intentions of the “other.” The result is that conservatives surrender their belief system to those who would actually enslave and harm them. They end up as mindless soldiers who fight against the liberal effort to spread fairness (including for conservatives), while supporting those who would enrich and empower a small cabal of wealth and privilege that plays them for pawns and suckers.
These authoritarians inculcate conservatives to obsessively worry about losing their “traditional” way of life, which, wink-wink, has always, at least partially, a racial component, so, too, a misogynist taint, and a heap of xenophobia, a poisonous gruel bound to sicken its imbiber. It is telling (of their intention and cluelessness) that the golden age they want to turn the clock back to would snatch away rights and dignity from nine tenths of them. Nevertheless, they are recruited into the leagues of those who would “conserve” the unfair status quo, the “dominator hierarchy,” the very oppressive system that is purposefully designed to produce just a few winners and lots and lots of losers, routinely making victims of conservatives, themselves. They are continually coaxed into reflecting back upon that gauzy, dreamlike past that is long gone (and probably never was), and to fear its complete disappearance. They cope by demeaning and complaining about the rest of the world in their often vast conservative echo-chambers (everyone they know thinks the same), and by indulging in incessant escapism, devoting huge chunks of their lives to the most banal of human activities.
All of this is more like the opposite of tapping into the potential of higher human intelligence and deeper spirituality, all of which involve acceptance and celebration of the diversity of our beautiful and magnificent Universe, and participation in thoughts and activities that live up to our incredible opportunity as the tip of the spear of evolution.
Evolution? Egads! Again, the truth is a problem for conservatives. This one is really a problem. The concept is merely the most amazing and awesome and beautiful thing about life, and the world, and the Universe ever discovered by science. And conservatives are instructed not to believe in it. This is fiendishly insane. For what benefit do you willingly give up an appreciation for how everything was actually created? It is not only the most interesting fact humans have stumbled upon; it’s also the most sacred! It is the revelation of revelations. It is scientific confirmation of the loftiest of spiritual concepts. Oneness! Yet conservatives reject it. Why? To selfishly conserve their myths. These are more important to them than the truth. Think about that. These “believers” don’t really want to know anything about their world, even about their “God,” that doesn’t simply reinforce what they already believe. They thus allow themselves to be wrapped in a shroud of ignorance, sealed off, forever, from the most beautiful truths and bonding with all other life and the entire rest of Creation!
It is a state of utter inner poverty that conservatives live in. Liberals don’t want this for them. We want conservatives to join in the awe, wonder, knowledge and joy of art and philosophy and science, rather than recoiling because these so easily and often fly in the face of their rigid mindset. We want them to know the fun of celebrating and learning from, and welcoming as equals, people of different color, nationality, language, religiosity (or lack thereof), and customs. We want them to join us in being truly “pro life,” by loving nature… the actual, frickin’ biosphere. We want them to glimpse the ecstasy of Oneness.
We can see their bitter cognitive dissonance in the way they flail rationally, philosophically and spiritually. They have no real depth perception. It’s not just black-and-white, it’s flatlined. They live in the Realm of Flatland. They have no real beliefs, only belief in belief, and self-serving myths. Their outsized but very fragile and childish ego tells them that they believe in certain things, but then their word and deed prove unequivocally that they actually do not; they only believe in believing in them… or, at best, they believe in such ideals for themselves and their “in-group” but not for everyone else.
In reality they abhor such things as liberty, justice, love for one another, forgiveness, and most especially, equality, for above all the selfish ego is insecure and seeks a feeling of superiority and control over others. This is true of all conservatives, around the world and throughout history. It’s not a real stretch to say that this one word, equality, is what separates conservatives from liberals. But, actually, lurking behind the conservative’s utter rejection of this ideal is plain old selfishness. That’s the real root of the issue.
Liberals have compassion for conservatives because we know how hard it can be to control selfishness. Yet because we have had some success in curbing our own, we can plainly see they are prisoners of their own mindset. We were once in that same institution. The key to escape is within you. It’s in your own pocket. We keep trying to get them to pull out that key, which is simply the Golden Rule (treat others as you want to be treated… i.e. equally). But they keep biting our hand. They continue to do everything they can to keep themselves locked tight in the self-centered mindset.
They are egged on in their conclusions and seclusion by the myth-makers who, in order to retain power, desperately need dupes and mind-slaves to side with them as they exploit the masses, including the bulk of social conservatives, right along with their exploitation of the natural world. These elites provide the “talking-points” and “alternative facts” and “traditional values” and various boogey-men that then allow conservatives to thought-police themselves. The clan, itself, insists on conformity. Obedience is not a suggestion. Besides, it feels good to belong. No doubt, it can be hard to differentiate, much less disentangle.
We liberals plainly see how social conservatives are bamboozled, befuddled, bedazzled, bilked, baffled, deluded, flimflammed, hornswoggled, hoodwinked, swindled, tricked by the very same, old unrecognized nemesis that has always taken advantage of them. The myth-making conservatives, whether they be royalty, the aristocracy, the oligarchy, the rich, the powerful, the priestly caste, the politician, the religious guru, the media pundit have no concern whatsoever for the actual welfare of the rank-and-file conservatives (much less the General Welfare), only about their rigid allegiance. They think of their followers as dupes, pawns, sheep, tickets to fame and fortune. And, alas, social conservatives prove them right, time after time. All a charlatan has to do is push their selfish buttons, tell them what they want to hear, praise their myths, reinforce their beliefs, throw in a few scare tactics, and they fall in line.
The myth-makers lead social conservatives around by a chain through the nose, pointing with one hand at “wedge issues” — religion, gun control, abortion, gays, transgenders, Blacks, immigrants, unions, the liberal “woke” agenda — while picking your pocket with the other hand. They are the ones who manipulate the banking system and “free market,” rig the insurance companies, give themselves tax cuts willy-nilly, prod corporate profits and executive pay scales to soar into the stratosphere, crash the economy every so often (possibly taking your job, savings, home along with it), hide their wealth offshore, pay lower taxes than you do (or no tax at all), pay a pittance to their workers, move your factory to China or Mexico, try to deny you a fair retirement, steal your farm, cause health care and education costs to skyrocket, feed you crap food (and cajole the government to not sufficiently warn you of the dangers), poison your water supply, pour filth into your air, pile on fuel to the fire of Global Warming and launch ill-conceived wars where YOUR children are most likely to die. These pirates are plundering YOU and YOUR COUNTRY, while they have you riled up about immigrants at the border, gay marriage and a tiny number of transgender folk using the bathroom that matches their gender identity… issues which, more than likely, affect your life to zero degree! And after diverting your attention to get your vote, they proceed promptly to screw you over and laugh all the way to the bank.
This has been going on for literally thousands of years, and conservatives still can’t, don’t, won’t, see it! You don’t see our common opponent. CorpCons, those who seek total possession and domination of the human spirit and Mother Earth, are the true exploiters! Together, we could crush these parasites. But divided, we all suffer from their never-ending greed and tyranny. Social conservatives are the zombie army that protects these corporate pirates and thugs from We the People.
Conservatives, awaken! Those chains are another myth. They are only mental. You can break the spell anytime you want. It is within your power to break free. Many, perhaps most, liberals have been in your place. Many of us were raised within that same herd, indoctrinated by the same propaganda, bought into the same fairy tales, prejudices and fear-mongering, and willingly surrendered to bondage to the selfish self. We believed the charlatan lies. We were greedy. We crave self-importance. We so want to believe we are special, superior, exceptional. And so the mantra, “We’re Number 1!” It felt good…. for awhile.
The childish ego-self clings to the clan’s promises: security, superiority, perhaps even wealth and power and fame. Without willful determination, the conscience cannot match the selfish ego in self-serving favors or worldly goods. And so, even those who are partially awake often fail to fully free themselves. As with a junkie and his dealer, it feels too good to let go completely of selfishness.
Most often, the selfish ego-tyrant is never fully conquered. It still lingers deep inside, waiting for an opportunity to be selfish. But we can change. We can evolve… upward, into a higher plane of virtue.
You know how you love and see so much beauty in your family and particular place? Imagine that you could feel some of that same love and see that beauty in everyone else and every other place. Imagine if instead of feeling bonded to just a singular mindset and a particular clan, you felt connected to the entire human family, and all of nature as well. You can do that. You know how you love your “stories,” your “heritage,” your “heroes,” your “great triumphs,” and lament your great sorrows. Imagine how wonderful to love the stories of others, their heritage, their heroes, their great triumphs, and share the grief of their great sorrows. You can do that.
Don’t fret “feeling bad” about the sins of our fathers. That’s how you should feel. And it’s actually good for you. It proves you have a conscience. It proves you know right from wrong. What would be wrong is to sweep them under the rug or, worse, be “proud” of them. We all have heroes and villains, sinners and saints, slaves and slave masters, princes and pirates, poets and pillagers in our family tree. Go far enough back and we are all in each other’s family tree. Go futher back, and we are in the family trees of everything that ever lived. What we should be striving for now, in the 21st Century, is to join together as the heroes of our shared story. What we cannot do is what you seem to want to do, continue, even ramp up, the selfishness, the tribalism, the separation, the suspicion, the fear, the violence. The shallowness of this approach is revealed in your attempt to rewrite or hide or ban the truth of history. That means you care more for your “feelings” than truth. What a pathetic bargain. In corrupting history you become culture thieves, stealing from all of humankind.
It’s not worth it… all of these pathetic bargains that the conservative elite wants you to make. To rewrite history. To ban books. To refuse to give women equal rights. To wish to hold sway over minorities. To force your religion on everyone else. To torment LGBTQ people. To turn a blind eye to corporate greed. To buy into the hate for the government. To elect sociopaths. To storm the Capitol. The list goes on and on. And you obediently comply.
There is another way: tamp down the selfishness, and allow that conscience of yours that knows right from wrong to emerge. That’s you deeper self. It’s not that selfishness has been destroyed, just controlled. And it allows you to open to experience, knowledge, change, cooperation and respect, even love, for “the other.”
Hmm, doesn’t that sound familiar, Christians? This new-born self (which has actually been there all along) perceives the vacuousness and destructiveness of the selfish ego-self’s “values” of ignorance, fear, prejudice and greed, and replaces them with true, universal values: love, respect, compassion, equality, liberty, justice for all, each of which serves to deflate the selfish ego. The more the conscious self imbibes in these values, the more the selfish ego-self shrinks and recoils deep inside, and the more liberal one becomes.
We know you hate that idea. But that’s exactly who you are at your best. The proof is in how you treat those within your clan. You’re all liberals… to each other. We’re just asking that you treat everyone like that! We’re just asking that you actually walk your own talk… as Christians and Americans. Live up to the actual ideals each of these proclaim!
The great ideas of human history are embraced by this higher self, which is already manifest in you. Demoting your selfish self allows you to climb much higher in consciousness. It’s something of a beautiful paradox. The more you give away, the more you gain. The less you inflate yourself, the more you are filled, and bigger, better person you become. The more you help others, the more you help yourself. This worldview opens up a vast landscape of meaning and potential deep happiness. From this landscape of goodness and love, liberals can look only with pity and sadness upon the tiny, tattered, toxic penitentiary into which conservatives have imprisoned themselves.
The world, the Universe, for liberals becomes an infinitely larger and more awesome realm, more stunningly interesting and beautiful, far less fearsome, less ugly, less frustrating. Spirituality inevitably becomes much deeper and broader in direct ratio with our bonding with the Universe, loving everyone and everything. It becomes possible to believe you really could love your neighbor as yourself, even love your enemy. This is all but impossible to even imagine when you are mired in clan-mentality, and that’s exactly why so many conservatives are such terrible “Christians” and Americans. Yet as prejudice, fear and greed fall away, the human family becomes more interesting and endearing, as well. Diversity becomes a high value, rote conformity shrinks in validity. All of history comes into focus, and we can easily see that its arc is toward greater knowledge, greater liberty, greater equality, greater justice, greater universal love.
Who in their right mind would want to fight against it? Who could be against diversity, equity, inclusion? You know in your heart that only devils could persuade you to oppose these lofty ideals. You do realize that the opposite of these virtues is militant uniformity, inequality and exclusion? Really? That’s what you want? Well that’s what you are being herded toward by psychos in your party. There’s a word for this system: dystopia.
Why not let go of this war with the world? Step into your own virtue and you will be in love with the world, and no longer want to see oneself as separate and superior from other humans, but precisely the same in innate worth, and in deserving equality, justice and pursuit of happiness for all. Don’t you see how that ennobles us all? The commonality, the Oneness, the unity, pervades such a system and elevates us to yet a higher level of consciousness.
Thus emerges the quintessential “American,” or “Christian,” or human: one who is favorable to progress or reform in terms of concepts of maximum individual freedom within a just society free from prejudice and bigotry, characterized by compassion and generosity, and actively seeking to understand and bond with the entire Universe. This also just happens to be the definition of a liberal.
Something like this is the transformation that many liberals have undergone in their quest to find their authentic self, a self in harmony with all of nature, and with the loftiest ideas of poets, prophets and philosophers, as well as with the highest legacy and potential of the human family.
Now here is a potential problem. Some sociologists hypothesize that many conservatives just cannot make this transformation. They are hard-wired to be selfish and childish, and will never change. They need an authoritarian, a daddy figure, they love their self-serving myths, and take to fear and greed and prejudice like a duck to water because it’s in their brain chemistry.
I, for one, don’t necessarily accept this pessimistic hypothesis. I know it’s possible, because I did it myself. Indeed, many liberals grew up steeped in conservative beliefs. If we escaped such thinking, anyone can do it, if they want to. It’s not rocket science. It can be a little bit painful as each link of the old chain is broken and the unconscious selfish ego laments the loss of a once-cherished possession or perception or mythology, just as a child is sad at having a dangerous toy taken away from them, or when they finally learn that there is no Santa or Easter Bunny.
But the place in the self where that chain once held tight is revealed to be a sore, and now at last it can begin to heal. The pricks and pangs of demotion of the selfish ego are actually precursors to emotional, intellectual and spiritual healing, growth and strengthening. After just a short while you are feeling much more aware, much more free, much more alive. The “happiness” there is much deeper and broader because it now includes the entire world.
Why, it’s like an elephant has been lifted off your chest.
Conservatives! Repent! Put away your anger and fear and prejudice and selfishness. Like the radical liberal, Jesus, we bring you the Good News of love and harmony, of knowledge, awareness and consciousness. Like the American Founding Fathers, we call upon you to embrace the true values of this nation: liberty, equality, justice for all. Awaken! Your myths aren’t working. They have left you estranged from the world, the truth, and your own better self. They have left you shackled to demon masters, the CorpCons, the money changers and Pharisees, the charlatans and profiteers to whom you are nothing but a terrified, trusting sheep they intend to fleece. Proclaim your independence! Walk away from your bondage, your victimhood and your vicious, ever-angry clan. Join the human tribe instead.
We have many challenges and obstacles ahead. The folly of selfish ego and clan mentality that you stubbornly wish to “conserve” has wrought a terrible toll upon humanity and nature. A more perfect union, a new covenant, is possible. Won’t you join us? Throw off your chains and set yourself free.
We will bring that more perfect union and new covenant to fruition by ourselves if we have to. But we would much prefer to have you working with us, not against us. Humanity will eventually completely defeat the toxic mythology of conservatism.
Alas, there is little or no redemption in store for the myth-makers; their sins are too great, greed too deeply ingrained, their insanity incurable. They will never change, even as they will destroy the world for one last big profit.
But you, dear social conservatives, are different. Although they have pulled the wool over your eyes and convinced you that you are bound to their ideology, we know you have a golden heart beating deep inside your armor, and it is that which we will continue to try to reach, and to liberate. That’s what we do.
We hold out for the day when you open to your own heart and see the light. Let’s come together over love for the world. We can reach that day of justice, that promised land, much quicker and much easier if you will, at long last, join We the People!
The Liberals
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No Hate.
No Violence.
All Life is Sacred.
The Universe is Magnificent & Beautiful.
Love is the Way.
Copyright 2024, Rusty Reid