All Good with Banning DEI, Conservative Women? Think Again!

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. For All. Who could be against that? Oh, right. The crowd that just loves to oppress!

11 min readFeb 5, 2025

How’s that “War on Woke” going for ya, conservative women? Oh, you haven’t seen much change, except for your pot-bellied, Viagra-fueled dude just getting more and more uptight? Well, it’s still early in the “war.” It’s only been some skirmishes so far, dismantling programs which sought to help disadvantaged minorities, rounding up illegal migrants, making transgender illegal, banning Dr. Seuss, erasing gay people from public view, conducting a hostile takeover of public education and liberal colleges and flipping them to conservative-think, working hard to worm prayer and “Christian values” back into public schools while also funneling public dollars into private, religious schools, that sort of thing. Still nothing that actually, you know, affects your precious life and precious children and precious tiny circle of care within this wide, wide world.

So, it’s all good, right? Keep the wrecking ball swinging, boys! Don’t forget “retribution” on those Hollywood celebrities… and Beyonce and Taylor Swift. Ugh!

Oh, there was that one thing. The conservative Supreme Court, all of whom swore-lied in their Senate confirmations that Roe v Wade was “settled law” and they couldn’t in their wildest flight of fancy imagine it ever overturned, overturned it.

Well, yes, of course, abortion is a very bad thing, according to your ilk. It’s baby-killing and should be banished from a “Christian” nation. So, sure, go ahead and feel very righteous in forcing your religious views upon millions upon millions of American women by revoking their right to full healthcare. You should feel grand! It was the first time an American right had been taken away since, well, last time you conservatives did it with Prohibition.

Yes, taking away rights is troublesome, but surely you were guided by Jesus in this brave and momentous moral victory. What was it, again, he said about the horrendous practice of abortion? NOTHING! It wasn’t a concern for him. But for you? It was the cause of causes. And so, the means justify the ends. Hey, rights are just rights, right? They come. They go. Tra-la-la, if it doesn’t directly affect you!

Now, what’s next?

The conservative Supreme Court has had quite a run here in the past decade or so. Remember when they decided that corporations are people? How about when they effectively abolished limits on political spending… yes, by individuals AND those newly-coronated “people” corporations? And then recall how they opened the era of “Dark Money” — dealing a mortal blow to transparency and the public right to know who is meddling in our governmental system — by allowing the richest of the rich to keep secret who and how much was donating to who! How about when they struck down voter protections for minorities? And then when they decided that the old stupid saw about “No one is above the law” is not quite right: the President can commit any crime he (yes, apparently it is forever going to be a “he”) wants, as long as it is “official.” Yep, official murder will surely be perpetrated by some president down the line so long as this golden untouchable card is handed over to any old loutish criminal who ends up in the White House.

Shoot, Trump may have taken matters into his own hands and killed the traitor to his surreptitious coup attempt, Mike Pence, rather than sending a mob after him on Jan. 6, 2021, if he had known the Supreme Court was going to back him up to this astounding degree.

Then there is the matter of Trump’s, and now basically the entire Republican Party’s, utter disdain for rules, regulations, customs, traditions, laws, as manifested in the 2020 attempt to steal an election by claiming the other side had stolen it. The notion that conservatives “conserve” tradition, institutions, law and order is only true when these buttress their own advantage, privilege and power. Whenever these traditions or institutions or laws impinge upon the conservative’s presumed right to advantage, for instance when seeking to impose fairness for all, they become targets for scorn, takeover or demolition. These people are bulls in the national china closet. Rules, laws are not for them. They never have been for Trump, and now he is training and encouraging his minions, including the richest person in the world, Elon Musk, to not even bother with subterfuge, just openly destroy, whatever, wherever. And they have never been so happy as to do just that. These “elite” conservatives have been wanting to tear down the United States of America since they went by the name “Tories” in the Revolutionary War. Now, at long last, is their opportunity. Thanks to you, Trump voters.

You, conservative ladies, might want to think long and hard about what all of this points to. Absolutely none of the monumental Supreme Court decisions listed above or anything the MAGA movement is up to is about you and your family. It’s all a consolidation of power in the hands of wealthy, white males… with some crumbs handed down to your perhaps not-so-wealthy, white “boys,” and a fish or two to satisfy the Christian base. What they are doing is stripping away protections from ALL OTHERS.

Hello, ladies! That includes… YOU!

Now, I get it. Some of you women out there, mostly the fundamentally religious type, are gung-ho for debasing yourself, keeping silent, staying pretty, avoiding education, never asserting yourself, doing the drudge-work, being the “helpmate,” and certainly voting as dictates your oh, so much more important manly man! And perfectly willing to train your daughters to “submit” likewise in earnest loyalty to the lifestyles depicted in your favorite book written by Iron Age patriarchs. Chances of this particular message even making sense to your shriveled sense of self are low, so we’ll just leave you to your happy subjugation.

For those of you who consider yourself in any form “modern” women, though still infected to some degree with the backward conservative virus, take heed. Your “boys” are going to betray you. They are drunk with delusions of superiority. And that, very definitely, includes superiority over you! No matter how kissy and cuddly they may be with you, like all conservatives, they want their advantage, privilege and power; and much of that impulse is generated and conserved by the very patriarchal and largely misogynistic “traditions” and “heritage” that demand that you be secondary in society to their virile and powerful “manhood.”

Your “boys” are of the same ilk that burned witches, that destroyed the Native Americans, that were against the formation of the United States of America, that started a civil war to “conserve” slavery, that thought lynching was doing their civil duty, that are out there shooting away at animals for no good reason, that are obsessed with fatuous cars and sports and “business” that is more interesting to them than you or their family.

Conservatives do NOT believe in your equality. They do NOT believe in you getting paid the same for the same job as a man. They do NOT believe in your equal personhood. They defeated the American Equal Rights Amendment that would enshrine your equality in the U.S. Constitution! They do NOT believe in American ideals. They damn sure don’t believe in a word Jesus had to say. Is this the side you want to be on?

Perhaps you never properly learned that you only have rights AT ALL because of liberals, and THEIR zeal for protecting YOU and others who have been — for centuries or millennia — marginalized or abjectly subjugated by your “boys.” That vote of yours, that right to property, that right to divorce, all those job opportunities that were never open to your grandma, those pants and running shoes, all courtesy of your friendly, looking out for you, liberals! How about that Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, paid vacations, food stamps, disability, workplace safety laws, parental leave, safe food, clean water, clean air, and a million other facets of progress? The modern world is a liberal world. If you don’t believe it, take a vacay to a real conservative nation like Afghanistan, Iran or North Korea, and see how that suits ya. Yet America has its own conservatives, perhaps not quite as nasty as the Taliban, but still able and willing to oppose every single stitch of progress that has fashioned this liberal world.

Liberals are so magnanimous in their wanting to help everyone, including you, they will probably soon forgive you for having the chance, twice, to vote for the first American female president, a humongous step forward for your sex, but instead voted, three times, for the most reprehensible, most un-American, most un-Christian human being ever to pollute the entrance to the People’s House. We can only assume you were talked, or coerced, by your “boy” into disappointing every not-Bible-addled little girl in America, past or present, and surely your great-grandmothers in heaven, because women generally have much better character recognition than testosterone-charged and/ or drunk men. Those votes of yours will vex girls for generations to come, and be held out as the very model of mass delusion and insane malevolence. Knowing “boys will be boys” (i.e. cray-cray), they’ll probably understand how male voters were so smoothly bamboozled. But you? What the hell, grandma?

And now, your “boys” are tearing those protections down, one by one. The liberal state is all that is defending you and all other vulnerable populations, not to mention preventing conservatives from turning the clock back to the 17th Century. The MAGA movement, in lockstep with its violent precursors, is out to destroy the liberal state, and replace it with what will look suspiciously similar to England, 1625, with so very colorful, and rigidly religious, king and court and lords and ladies, and lots and lots and lots and lots of desperately poor and suffering peasants who have absolutely zero chance of ever escaping their lot in life, the very system our Founding Fathers sought to at all costs preclude.

You can just squint your eyes and probably imagine Trump as king, Musk and a gaggle of other oligarchs as the power behind the crown, lords and ladies kissing the ring and aligning for privilege, the court coalescing, the walls going up, old laws being shredded, new laws being written to encode the hierarchy, conformity being mandated, the “other” being shunned, the “people” relegated to eternal serfdom.

Yet, we need not even look to the remote past for evidence of their plan. You saw what they did to the ERA. You’ve seen what they did to Roe v Wade. You’ve seen what they have done to Affirmative Action. You’re witnessing what they are doing to transgender citizens. You’ve seen them laughing as they snatch away rights. You’ve seen them out to “erase” entire swaths of people. You’ve seen them enact policies that ripped children away from parents. You’ve seen how they are gleefully willing to hunt down and demolish families that have been in America for decades or longer and deport them back to Latin America, or wherever, even if some of them were born in America! You see Trump and Musk and other MAGA goons absolutely running amok in Washington D.C.

It’s a rampage right now. The mob attack on January 6, 2021 was essentially a trial run of what they are now doing inside EVERY facet of the government. Rules, customs, laws mean NOTHING to them! The real mantra of conservatives is “Might Makes Right,” and their ancient calling is on full display in our times.

Which means, that NO ONE is safe!

What is this chaos and carnage going to bring? Disaster!!! To our economy. To our nation. To the environment. To the world. To you. To your family. Even, most likely, to your “boy.”

Yet, who has always been the most vulnerable of all members of human society? Women. Only nature has fared worse under the whip of toxic masculinity. And wouldn’t you know, “Mother Nature” is also female!

It is stunning to think that any woman would trust their welfare and that of their family, and that of their nation to a certified creep like Donald Trump, yes, the “grab their pussy” guy, to whom women are useable trinkets, discardable when no longer shiny.

But Donald Trump is not the real problem. Your “boy” is. Trump is just the tip of the spear of a decades long, pent-up frustration by a large contingent of males who sense that their “rights” have eroded. Of course, these “rights” are not rights at all, but merely the false belief that they innately deserve advantage, privilege and power in society. You can see how the notions of “diversity,” “equity” and “inclusion” are anathema to their ownership of the nation.

It’s not entirely your “boy’s” fault. It’s so easy for men to fall into this trap. Who wouldn’t want “superiority” if offered? And they are egged on by their own peers, an avalanche of social propaganda, and even the aforementioned Iron Age religion. But this is for sure. Men who fall for this temptation are not strong; they are weak. They are not smart; they are idiots. They are not “real” Americans or “real” Christians; they are anti-both. Their belief and behavior reveal their disdain for virtue, itself. They are not heroes; they are villains. They are not your protector; they are inviting, encouraging, participating in something so much larger than they understand or control, a fury that will, at some point, soon, come for you and your family.

Of course, it’s not all men. Liberal men are quite different. Almost the opposite. They like “others,” and want to share the goodness. They like fairness. They like diversity. They like inclusion. They love the concept of equality of personhood. It’s in the Declaration of Independence, you know. They love the idea of “promoting the General Welfare.” It’s in the Constitution, you know. Liberals believe we are all in this together, and that when everyone does better, everyone does better.

One of those liberals once said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Liberals in almost every culture have said much the same. “Love one another,” is a liberal mantra.

Obviously, “Christians” for Trump, who despises everything Jesus recommended and embodies everything Jesus despised, are very confused. Are you among them? Which side are you really on? The side of “Love One Another” or “Might Makes Right?”

You know, it is actually philosophically, morally and spiritually impossible to support Donald Trump and Jesus. They are diametrically opposed. Trump is the false prophet Jesus warned about, “who comes in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

You must decide for yourself, and thereby influence your daughters, and your sons, and your grand and great-grand children, going forward into the distant future. While you still have some standing in society, you could do your part in salvaging what might be left of our nation as Team MAGA seeks to undermine every good part of it.

If you are rightfully alarmed by this awful turn of events, conjure your own best self and your immense feminine fortitude to pull the reins on your wayward “boy.” Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you, your family, will not be part of this mayhem, cruelty, violence and betrayal of true American and Christian values. Opt out of MAGA. It’s a ruse. It’s not for you, or your family. It’s all about wealthy, white, male supremacy. Something all the rest of us should revile and reject.

You go, girl. Remember, the largest part of DEI is YOU and your daughters. Remember, the antidote to “woke” is “asleep.” That’s just where they want you to be. Wake up! Our best hope for sobering up these drunk-on-privilege “boys” is… YOU!

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No Hate.
No Violence.
All Life is Sacred.
The Universe is Magnificent & Beautiful.
Love is the Way.

Copyright 2025, Rusty Reid




Written by THE WHOLE LIBERAL - Rusty Reid

Rusty Reid is a singer-songwriter, philosopher, journalist and essayist. He examines and explains history and current events from the liberal perspective.

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