Donald Trump Is Going To Hell! And So Are Christians Voting For Him.

I’m not making that claim. Jesus is! How their love for Trump reveals what “Christians” are truly devoted to.

8 min readDec 5, 2023

“And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”
— Matthew 19:24, King James Bible

This statement is unequivocal. It does not suggest that, well, OK, some rich people can get into Heaven because they are, you know, good people. No, that massaging of the message would not fly with the son of Mary. Note, he is pointing out that “again” he is explaining to his little flock the odds of a rich person passing through the pearly gates. Perhaps like so many modern believers, they were a little bit dull and couldn’t quite fathom what he was trying to say here. But it could not be clearer. It is not difficult or improbable or rare but, in fact, IMPOSSIBLE for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Yet that impossibility is easier, i.e. more likely, than a rich man entering the Kingdom of God. Ya dig? It is more impossible… than the impossible! That Jesus. What a card.

Ergo, according to Jesus, Donald Trump is absolutely, positively NOT going to enter the Kingdom of God. And those of his followers who have enough assets to be considered rich are going right with him… NOT through the pearly gates… but to that other place Christian theology has lovingly bequeathed to humanity… HELL!

Again, these are not my beliefs. This is Christian dogma. I worry not a twit about reaching or not reaching a fictitious place concocted by prophets who had never heard of hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen, had nary a clue how the body actually works, and believed the world was flat and the sun, moon and stars circled around it. I’m just pointing out what the Christian “Lord and Savior” had to say on the matter, and how it relates to the current cuddle bunny, would-be tyrant, of the right-wing.

What should worry most Trump followers is that Jesus would consider pretty much ALL of them rich! He and his followers had the clothes on their backs, sandals, and maybe a walking stick. The population they were amongst were mostly poor shepherds or townsfolk living in hovels. Jesus knew the difference between rich and poor, and if you have a house with a functioning roof, more than one room, a closet full of clothes, electricity, an oven, running water in the kitchen and bathroom, a TV set in the living room, a car, and food to eat daily… in his eyes you are fabulously rich!

Which means… you, too, are going to Hell. According to Jesus.

You know who else is going to Hell? According to Jesus… Kenneth Copeland. Joel Osteen. Andy Stanley. Creflo Dollar (an apt name). Rick Warren. Jesse Duplantis. T.D. Jakes. Greg Laurie. John F. McArthur. Franklin Graham. John C. Maxwell. Joyce Meyer. Paula White. John Hagee. Chuck Swindoll (also an apt name). John Piper. Bill Hybels. Mark Driscoll. And all other pastors peddling their “prosperity gospel,” nationalism, prudish puritanism and other ignorant, selfish, conservative heresies that Jesus flatly rejected. Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and almost every other famous pastor of the past will be there to greet them.

Jesus didn’t specifically address the “Seven Deadly Sins,” which were established in Christian lore by Pope Gregory centuries after the cross. But he would have had little trouble in associating someone like Donald Trump with all of them: Pride. Greed. Wrath. Envy. Lust. Gluttony. Sloth. Those ancient minds loved the number seven. Who doesn’t? But, really, there should be at least Nine Deadly Sins… with dishonesty and treachery added. And Trump is world-class at all of them. You have to admit; it is an absurd and pathetic marvel… that one man could be so thoroughly, across-the-board decrepit. If there were an eneathon for these sins, Trump would be a shoe-in for the gold medal.

Somehow it escapes the imagination of a multitude of American Christians that Donald Trump is, in fact, the American anti-Christ. No, not in the sense of being the actual Devil. He’s infinitely too stupid and incompetent for that job. But in the sense of being against everything Jesus was for, and for everything Jesus was against. The rest of the world can see that when it comes to virtue, their emperor has no clothes. The rest of us perceive him holding back a guffaw as fans from the religious right, including some of those previously named preachers, gather round him, praying and blessing. He no more buys into their cherished myths than he does legal bookkeeping for his businesses or fair payment to his employees and contractors.

Jesus’s whole schtick was morality and compassion. Trump’s forte is corruption and meanness. Jesus blessed not just the poor, but the meek (who shall inherit the earth), the hungry, the thirsty, the merciful, the pure in heart. He urged not just forgiveness toward your enemies, but to love them. In no universe does Donald Trump jump to mind with regard to any of these concepts.

Today Jesus would be looking straight at the rich and powerful Trump, with tens of millions of swooning cultists at the orange fat man’s hem, and quote, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

I, for one, am pretty certain Trump doesn’t have a soul to lose, but bless Jesus for trying. Trump wouldn’t listen. He’d project, “You’re the one without a soul, Sleepy Jeez!”

Then the Son of Man would turn his gaze from Trump to his wayward, professed flock and sternly remind, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

Whew! What comes out of Trump’s mouth. Jesus C. Christ! Over 30,000 lies… just during his presidency… according to those counting (I gave up after detecting nine in one minute). Would that convince them? Probably not, seeing as they barely flinched when he bragged about grabbing pussy, crowed that his audience was so bamboozled he could kill someone and not lose a vote, dissed wounded and captured and dead soldiers, proclaimed admiration for and believed Vladimir Putin rather than U.S. intelligence sources, at the same time admitting to a “love affair” with Kim Jong Un, and encouraged his mutants to attack the U.S. Capitol. Far from recognizing the toxic upchuck that spews from his curled lips, Trump supporters lap up his most divisive, vitriolic and outrageous statements. They are giddy when in such pathetic manner he “owns the Libs.”

Jesus said, “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.” Trump judges everyone and every thing. With one criteria: “What’s in it for me?”

I sense that even Jesus would be appreciative if Trump supporters attempted to get a little better at judging character… because they are badly flunking with Trump.

Not all “Christians” are all-in on Trump. Many are as horrified by this never-ending nightmare as are we who have removed ourselves entirely from the Fairyland of “Faith.” Yet, among white American voters who attend worship services once or more per month, fifty-nine percent voted for Donald Trump in 2020! This from the Pew Research Center. Is this the greatest mass delusion in American history since a wide majority of citizens considered slavery just fine? I think so.

All of this leads us to a very important question: What do these people really believe in? It really, really, really doesn’t seem to be anything Jesus commanded.

They seem to have completely forgotten Jesus warned against “false prophets,” and said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

It is clear they are not keeping his commandments, quite the opposite, they have gone on the warpath with this psychopath against their fellow citizens — including other Christians — and black and brown and gay and trans and immigrant and poor and liberal people… NONE OF WHOM Jesus had any beef with! Indeed, those are the very people he supported! Oh, and this just in… Jesus WAS a poor, brown, immigrant LIBERAL! In his day, the ones “owning the Libs” were the Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate.

You can scour the history books, and come up empty, for examples of when “Christians” ever actually followed Jesus’s tenets. Yet fearful, angry, greedy, lining up behind their “false prophet,” these blatantly false Christians show daily they love Donald Trump more than their professed “Lord and Savior.”

To paraphrase John Lennon, for these people, Trump is more popular than Jesus!

If you’ve read many of my essays you will know what I believe conservatives believe in: NOTHING! Except their own advantage, privilege and power. Not Religion. Not America. Not Science. Not Virtue. Not the Planet. What conservatives conserve is their own advantage, privilege and power. They don’t care about anything else. Trump is their strongman avatar who is going to protect their advantage, privilege and power. Just as they don’t, and history shows they never have, bought into true American ideals, they also actually despise the essential spiritual message of Jesus. Strangely, being “Christian” is very important to them. Everyone they know is one. They like believing they believe in Jesus. But they actually don’t. And the one and only favor Donald Trump has done for the world is openly reveal this vital truth about them.

Of course, this too will be lost upon them. As they fly the flag of a grotesque, bragging, big city shyster whose moral compass always points directly at his empty chest cavity, they will continue to believe they are good Christians, good, patriotic folk, the “real” Americans, with a lot more common sense than all those “others” out there in the dirty, sinful, scary world. In reality, they are clones, lost in the Ideology of Selfishness.

If they really believed any of this Jesus stuff, Donald Trump is the last person on earth they could possibly fall for. Their “messiah” said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

There can be no doubt that these “Christians” are serving the wrong master. Not that they ever actually followed them, but they are now spitting upon the key precepts of Jesus. They have chosen. The master they emphatically now serve is the one of mammon… Donald Trump.

The guy who is going straight to Hell. And so are they. Jesus says so.

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And now the American anti-Christ is selling Bibles! Yes, Bibles! Emblazoned with the emblem of the only nation to ever actually drop an atomic bomb on people, no less. To help pay for all his legal troubles… that his various scams and slanders and sins evoked… and his “Christian” followers, ignoring EVERYTHING Jesus ever said, are obeying like good little cultists, sending him, the BILLIONAIRE, money, aiding and abetting his cause, which is… against EVERYTHING Jesus ever stood for.

The Devil, itself, couldn’t rig a more demonic plot. Meanwhile, the spirit of Jesus sobs.




Rusty Reid is a philosopher, songwriter, journalist and essayist. He examines and explains history and current events from the liberal perspective.