Here’s My Intellectual Property: STEAL IT!

See this graphic here? I created it. Therefore I hold a common-law copyright. I hereby bequeath it to the public domain. It’s yours. Right-click on it. And save it. Publish it freely. Disseminate these concepts. The information is the honest truth… and getting this through the heads of a critical mass of the doltish American electorate may just save our republic!

4 min readJan 3, 2024

Like me, you’ve probably heard it proclaimed, “This is the most important election of our lifetimes” more often than you care to remember. But a good case could be made that the 2024 election could spell the end of our democracy!

We should all believe Donald Trump when he claims to love dictators and would really enjoy being one. January 6, 2021 showed us plainly just how loyal he is to the United States Constitution… or the United anything. His tens of millions of cultists are eager to believe every word out of his lying mouth, and do his bidding… right up to and including overthrowing American democracy. He has loudly declared his second term as President will be all about “retribution.” Yep, that’s Trump…. it’s all about him…. he doesn’t give a flying damn about the United States of America… other than he wants to own and rule it. Our nation has never faced an internal adversary so diabolically evil.

Can you imagine the chaos and conflict he is bound to inspire if he pollutes the White House with his putrid presence again? He’s already admitted he will totally politicize the Justice Department, even possibly the military, and go after his “enemies,” real and imagined. Can you imagine Donald Trump appointing scores more corrupt, toxic conservative federal judges, possibly including to the Supreme Court? Don’t you know Trump will again throw in with his idol, Vladimir Putin, and help him conquer Ukraine? Don’t you know he’ll cozy up to the dictators in Hungary and India and Argentina, and rekindle his professed “love affair” with the tyrant in North Korea? Don’t you know he’ll get right back to trying to destroy NATO, the European Union and the United Nations? Oh yes, and the Post Office. Don’t you know he’ll offer more sweet arms deals to the Saudis and the Emirates, expecting repayment to his own bank account down the line? Don’t you know he’ll get right back to his cherished $50 billion “Beautiful Wall” along the southern border… that doesn’t work. Don’t you know he will do the bidding of the corporate pirates and give them yet another huge tax break, while screwing over the mass of American workers. Surely he will double-down on his previous demonization of immigrants, Muslims, the LGBTQ community, RINOs and, of course, the “radical Left” — whatever that is supposed to mean, again egging on the worst of the racists, sexists, anti-Semites, Islamaphobes, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, religious fundies, white nationalists, neo Nazis, gun nuts and other sordid denizens of the American creepy underbelly. If you think his previous term was a tragi-comedy…. just wait until you see the next one!

Unbelievably, polls suggest he could well win again. As of now, ten months until the election, the “good side” does not have a dynamic candidate for President. We don’t have momentum. Doubt and apathy pervade the nation. What we always have is the far superior actual record to the abysmal historical legacy of conservatism. But who knows this? Not enough citizens, that’s for sure. It’s not taught in school. The famous “liberal media” is fixated on the story du jour, and can’t get around to properly explaining it. You can also blame Republicans for successfully demonizing the very word “liberal,” and Democrats for doing a really bad job at defending that stalwart label while abjectly failing at using their own greatest advantage to control the ongoing narrative.

We — you and me — have to do some heavy lifting. We can’t sit on our butts looking at our screens and just allowing things to happen. The most powerful thing we can do, individually, is to get the truth out… in every possible way we can.

Forget convincing the conservatives. They are too far gone, and have been for decades (actually… centuries). But, as usual, the “moderates,” the “centrists,” the “middle-of-the-roaders,” the “undecideds” are up for grabs.

True, anyone who is still a proud “centrist” or “moderate” or pining for “bipartisanship” or “compromise” is either completely naive… or, in most cases, just not paying much attention. In these escalating “cultural wars” — now veering toward actual civil war — moderates still don’t know which side they are on. Being in the “center” means you simply don’t understand how far the Left is trying to move toward actual American ideals: Liberty, Equality and Justice for ALL… while the Right is rushing in the opposite direction… yearning to achieve the predictable end results of the Ideology of Selfishness! And it ain’t democracy! Because these voters are basically clueless, they are easy prey for the totally false, but loud, angry, fearful, greedy message of conservatism.

But they vote. And they are critical to winning those “purple” states. Along with rallying the likely Democrat voters, go after those folks. Let your voice be heard. If you can convince but one voter to get to the polls and pull the blue lever, you will have succeeded.

So please. Steal this graphic. Or make your own. Or otherwise let your voice be heard. Lord knows the official Democrats have no idea how to grab the narrative. But we do… if we just will.

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No Hate.
No Violence.
All Life is Sacred.
The Universe is Magnificent & Beautiful.
Love is the Way.

Copyright 2024, Rusty Reid




Written by THE WHOLE LIBERAL - Rusty Reid

Rusty Reid is a singer-songwriter, philosopher, journalist and essayist. He examines and explains history and current events from the liberal perspective.

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