No, Joe Biden… We Don’t Need to Listen to Conservatives! We Need to Shame Them!
“It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, and listen to each other again.” — Joe Biden
Ah, your words sounds so soothing, so rational, so forgiving, so caring, so magnanimous. So futile. And ultimately, so counter-productive, so wrong.
Joe… we have been listening to them for 244 years. And have encountered some problems, which your words, which your orientation, seem to totally ignore.
Conservatives don’t believe in truth. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in equality. They don’t believe in justice for all. They don’t believe in We the People. They don’t believe in science. They don’t believe in love for one another.
They do believe in myths. They do believe in lies. They do believe in selfishness. They do believe in conserving their own advantage, privilege and power. They do believe that the means justifies the ends. They do believe in might makes right. They do believe in scorched earth policies. They believe in overthrowing elections. They believe in oppression. They believe in punishing the other side, and laughing in their presumed superiority. The believe in sabotaging elections.
How do you “listen” to this, Joe? How do you compromise with this? When do we start calling a spade a spade? When do acknowledge their historical wrongness and meanness and criminality? Theirs is the ideology that did not support the American Revolution. Theirs is the ideology that brought us the Trail of Tears… and the Civil War. Theirs is the ideology that did not want America involved in World War I or World War II. Theirs is the ideology that opposed, blocked or stalled every stitch of progress America has ever made. Theirs is the ideology that opposed every right accorded someone who did not originally possess it. Theirs is the ideology that believes fervently in “FREEDOM!” Yes, their freedom… not yours, not ours. Theirs is the ideology that cares not a damn for the majority of the American people or the American landscape or its flora and fauna or original American ideals. The only thing that makes them “Americans” is being on its soil.
How do you “listen” to this… for centuries… and not realize they are not listening to us? And have no intention of doing so.
Tell me, Joe. Why is it that every time we attempt to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature and listen… this ideology stabs us in the back, and gets away with murder? Why aren’t they held accountable for their pathetic history? Why aren’t they shamed by their history? Joe, you seem to be asking us to provide to them a clean start. When did they ever accord the same to us? Did you not see how Donald Trump steadfastly refused to ever become the president of all the people — We the People — but continually fed the ignorance, the spite, the neediness, the fear, the anger of his base, which thrilled at the many times he “owned the libs?” Even before Trump, did you not witness, yourself, how Mitch McConnell thought nothing of stealing hundreds of judgeships across the land, including a Supreme Court nominee? And even before McConnell, do you not recall the conservative Supreme court shut down a legitimate state election recount and basically appoint George W. Bush president? Even before any of these most recent conservative darlings were born their ideological forbears were demonizing the very word “liberal.” None of this utter hatred stemming from the conservative mindset is a new phenomena!
So now, Joe, you tell us to, once again, put away our slings and arrows, and shower the vanquished with “understanding,” even as over 70 million of the “opposition” believe the lies that the election was rigged, that you are illegitimately elected, and that they should have been able to get away with the overthrow of an American presidential election and complete a coup that would retain a despot? Really, Joe? Are you truly that gullible, or do you just believe we are? Sadly, it seems that even after all your years in Washington, you don’t understand this “opposition”… or what America really needs. Putting a band-aid on our discord will not heal America. Our country needs radiation therapy for a cancer.
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No Hate.
No Violence.
All Life is Sacred.
The Universe is Magnificent & Beautiful.
Love is the Way.
Copyright 2020, Rusty Reid