4 min readJul 11, 2024


No, my friend. You are the confused. Along with everybody else. You are buying into an extremely popular and enduring myth. This "left" and "right" angle is where it goes off the rails. You know where that came from, don't you? From before the French Revolution when the royalist supporters sat on the right side of the national assembly, and the anti-royalists sat on the left. It was to a large degree a class struggle, the leftists concerned with "liberation" from the oppression of the monarchy and upper class. When the revolution occurred and overthrew the king, the "leftists" became as violently vile as the king ever was.

Similarly, Marxism started off cracked, wanting to take children away from parents. And its adoption by the Soviet-style communists and others of their ilk used "liberation" of "the people" as a ruse just to install their own violent and oppressive regimes.

Later the false "left and right" dichotomy was applied to the "capitalist" vs. "communists" and "socialists" and "labor, and the "Godly" vs the "atheists." All of it on shaky ground in any kind of broader, deeper term.

I make no excuse for the ilk of Corbyn. The "Labor" Party in the UK, similar to our Democrats in the U.S., are barely "liberal," and various constituents can be wildly bigoted.

I will note that 70 percent of American Jews vote for the Democrats, and judging from the last election, it seems the UK Jews have returned to their traditional support of the Labor. Party.

Doesn't really matter where these movements, or individuals, start from - if they quickly get around to plain old hate, prejudice, segregation and oppression of others, much less totalitarianism - they have abandoned the political and moral philosophy of one side of a much older dynamic... that between Conservative and Liberal. THOSE are the more accurate, more defining and more important terms. The etymology of each of these words perfectly summaries what they are all about, and have been throughout history.

Conservatives conserve. Liberals liberate.

What do conservatives conserve? Their own advantage, privilege and power. What do liberals liberate? Anyone (and more recently anything) that conservatives conserving are oppressing.

The minute a "liberal" ceases to liberate the oppressed, they cease being a liberal. The minute they begin participating in, or just watching, the oppression, they become a conservative.

Liberalism is the party of liberty, equality, justice FOR ALL. The party that wishes to enable and assist the pursuit of happiness FOR ALL. The party of peace, of education, of science, of philosophy, of art, of diversity, of includions, cooperation. The party of love for the world!

Now ask yourself, how does this orientation of care and concern and love for the world, as it becomes more pronounced, more "extreme" or "radical," somehow turn into its total opposite: hate, conflict, oppression, totalitarianism?

That's absurd. It simply cannot. It is impossible.

Conservativism is the party of division, separation, "superiority," conflict, of ignorance, of exclusion, revulsion, it is anti-science, anti-art, it clashes with nature, it demands conformity and, above all, selfishness.

Now ask yourself, where this selfish tendency leads at it's "extreme?" What does selfishness fester into? Of course, totalitarianism.

So now we can clearly see the close brotherhood of Nazi and Commie, between Black-hater and Jew-hater and Muslim-hater, between capitalist pirate and neighborhood thug. Cast off the blinders of the fictitious "left and right" and the strain of selfishness coursing through the body politic of every form of conservatism. becomes blatantly obvious, and the arc of the entire history of humanity is crystal clear. All of those villains you named are 100% conservative! Conserving their own advantage, privilege and power, oppressing everyone else. It's right there in the conservative playbook.

And sure enough, we see it all around us. The nations which are the most "conservative" are the most backwards, dangerous and violent. The nations which are the most "liberal" are exemplars of modernity, kindness and cooperation.

Alas, everyone is selfish to a degree. The liberal impulse is to control that selfishness, to allow our conscience and compassion and better angels to guide us into WANTING to help others, WANTING to liberate others. Especially the "other," the oppressed.

But to conservatives, selfishness is not a bug, it is a feature. It is their "moral compass." It's always just a simple question, "What is best for ME?"

It is so easy being a conservative. You don't have to do anything. You don't even have to think for yourself. Just conform. Just follow the crowd. Just do and believe as you are told. Otherwise, just be selfish. You'll fit in perfectly!

Being a liberal is hard. Being a liberal across all issues is very hard. Most conservatives are liberal on some issues, and sure enough most liberals are conservatives on some issues. I try to be a "Whole Liberal," liberal in impulse on every issue. It's a work in progress.




Written by THE WHOLE LIBERAL - Rusty Reid

Rusty Reid is a singer-songwriter, philosopher, journalist and essayist. He examines and explains history and current events from the liberal perspective.

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